Friday, January 8, 2016

Upcoming News

Dear Parents,
Please read the two news items below:

  Advanced Studies will be hosting its first GT Parent Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Lamar CISD board room. Information about the current GT program, the GT State Plan, resources for elementary GT parents and plans to start a GT Parent Organization will be shared. Parents will be given a voice on GT topics in the district. Please plan on attending and reserve the date on your calendar! A flyer will be sent home soon.

  Also, I will be conducting testing for Frost students nominated for the GT program the next two weeks.  GT pullout classes will be canceled next week and we may have interruptions to our schedule the following week.  Thank you for your continued support of our program and the nomination process.

Thank you,
Leann Imrie

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