Wednesday, January 6, 2016

4th Grade: Making Plans, Making Progress

Our Frost Cardboard Challenge was a huge success and there were many "behind the scenes" activities to make our arcade games the best ever.  This post is a recap of what we did before we invited our friends to play.

Much of our design process was recorded in a packet that we could refer to throughout the unit and was a place we could record our test and re-test findings.  Once underway, we let our classmates evaluate our games; giving feedback to us by using 2 Stars and a Wish:  2 parts of the game we liked (stars) and 1 idea/suggestion (wish) to make the game better.  Everyone was very respectful in the way they gave their constructive criticism, and in the end it just helped us make our games better for Arcade Day!  Once games were evaluated and re-designed we had to decide which charity we wanted to gift our proceeds from Arcade Day.  Class members brainstormed charities, then were given a slip of paper with a charity on it to research and report back to the class.  We recorded our information on a huge piece of chart paper; then individually we came up to the paper, read the info and vote by tally mark which charity we felt best fit our class.  We chose the animals in the Houston Zoo!

Post about our recent cardboard challenge day coming soon!

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