Friday, October 9, 2015

4th Grade Engineering

Help Desk

Fourth grade began a new unit this week in engineering.  To begin, watched a NASA video on the engineering design process, then looked at engineered items.  When we watched the video called, Help Desk, we realized immediately that engineers solve problems to make life better for people. We learned that they ask questions about the problem and what others have tried, they imagine possibilities/solutions, plan out how they will solve the problem, create their design, then test and re-test for improvement and effectiveness.  Using these same design principles and common materials, we are going to create our own engineered items that we feel people would like to use.

Some of us wanted to do some extra projects at home, so we looked at a website that could help give us ideas called  The cool factor on this website is that it offers badges (either digital or real) if we do the required challenges listed.  For example, if we want to be a Cardboarder and earn that badge, we have to complete 3 of the challenges listed.  We thought we would give it a try and see how many we could collect-with our parents' permission of course!  Click below for website:

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