Friday, March 20, 2015

Grade 4: Genius Hour and Aerodynamics

Our CITS technology person, Mrs. Mitchell, virtually visited 4th grade last week to show us how to log in to our Lamar Microsoft student accounts and use a program called One Note.  It was very exciting!  Students first checked their email and saw that Mrs. Imrie had shared a "notebook" with them called Genius Hour.  Genius Hour is a lot like the 20% time that Google gives its employees to research and pursue topics/ideas of their choice.   The research that we do will be stored, collected and presented in our own One Note notebook.  Mrs. Mitchell showed us how to save information on our Notes page, collaborate with our Frost friends AND our Adolphus 4th grade friends (very excited about that!), copy, paste, and move info and handouts from Mrs. Imrie.

This week in 4th, we opened our class by viewing an aeronautical engineer who works on space station environments and is also hearing impaired.  In discussing our thoughts, we expressed how awesome it was that high level/skill careers are within reach of everyone and technology can really assist people with their everyday work.  We continued using the engineering design process to work on making our Rocket Racer, air powered car successful.  We are now at the testing and re-design process.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, So excited to meet you at E2! Love this post. I am trying to encourage some of my teachers to do a Genius Hour and this is a great story to share.
