Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1st-3rd Grade: Nordic Discovery

Our study of Norway was fascinating.  We learned a little about their schools and how you might be able to take "fishing" as one of your subjects, the science behind the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, fjords, and how dark it becomes in winter in Norway.  We weren't sure if we would try their traditional food of fish balls in sauce, but Ligonberry jam sounded good to us!  Below are some of our paintings of the Northern Lights.  Once we created our paintings, we dripped some lemon juice on them and observed the effect of the acid in the juice on our paint.  We ended up with streaks and blobs that we turned into something else.  For example, a blob of bleached paint become a penguin in the scene.  This idea reinforced that even mistakes can be made into something special!  Other Nordic countries we are studying include:  Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and Finland.  We learned that Denmark has a king, the Oresund Bridge and Legos!    We did several short projects with Lego bricks, and the Lego movie app helped us create a movie about Denmark facts.

3rd Grade

1st-2nd Grade

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