Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gerontology, Who You Calling Old? Grades 1-3

Our study of Gerontology led 1st-3rd grades, first, to watch the youtube video, Mr. Six's Introductory Ad for Six Flags.  We talked about why it was funny in a positive way!  Most of us agreed we were not used to

 seeing older people dancing like that and recognized that this person was an actor.  These observations led us to a discussion on who is the oldest person we knew and then we predicted what life would be like for the elderly in 2050.  We also discussed what things we could do to make our own aging process positive:  eating healthy, exercising, having hobbies, etc.  When we interviewed our grannies and grandpas, we found out that some of them had a phone hooked to the wall and you had to dial it to get it to call.  Then, you had to share your calls with others on a party line!  Weird!  We constructed cards for the elderly living in Richmond who might not get very much mail and Christmas.

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