Monday, February 25, 2013

3rd Grade: Wonder for Wilma!

We all wondered how Wilma Rudolph overcame the hardships in her life!  As a child, Wilma seemed to catch every disease and got the measles, mumps, and chicken pox.  (Not many of us even knew what those diseases were!  We had a great discussion on vaccinations.)  When Wilma found out she had scarlet fever and polio at the same time, she had to fight for her life with the only tools she had: doing her exercises.  Our class talked about how powerful people have a strong, positive will that takes over everything they do.  Wilma, recovered from being crippled to win 3 gold medals in the 1960 Olympics.  We decided that all of us have that same strength in us that Wilma had; we can choose to use it or not.  Following, are some gold medals we awarded ourselves or others and why:

My cousin, who made it through pneumonia--Blake

Ms. Pina's Class

For Lori, for being the funniest in the Kwong family--Jamie

My grandpa because I want him to feel good after his surgery--Ellen.

My dad because he helps me with sports--Zane.

Ms. Pina because she is a good teacher--Ashlin.

My mom because she inspires me to do my best--Sarah Elisa.

My mom and dad because they care and help me with my homework--Kyle.

Ms. Pina, she deserves this medal because she worked hard to become the best teacher--Luisa.

My mom, because she helps me and is encouraging to me--Sam.

My grandpa deserves a gold medal because he was a Marine, crashed in a jet, and has a metal knee--Ariana.

My mom for all she does and how she loves me--Tyler.

For me, for my strong heart and kindness--Parveen.

Mrs. Peyton's Class

I think this medal belongs to me because I've been so good at acting.  I'm in my 6th show and I'm the main character--Kellen.

For me, because of cheer--Olivia

For my dad, because he does hard work to get money and take care of me and my brother.  I think he deserves a break--Jeremy

For me, for gymnastics--Rylee

For my mom, because you saved 6 people's lives and that's wonderful to me and you--Lainey

My mom, because I will thank her for teaching and being a good teacher--Taylor

For me, because I work as hard as I can to be a great person--Skylar

For my dad, because he encourages me to be a better player at football--Aiden

For Dee, you deserve this because you're an amazing dad--Alex C

Emily is a gold medalist and a champion because she believes in softball--Emily

To the greatest football and soccer player ever--Camden

To dad, for being the best fisher ever :)  You catch a lot of perch and catfish--Evan

For Ryan M, you deserve this gold medal for your good golly in soccer--Zachary B

For me, because I ran a three mile race and got 5th out of my age group--Alyssa

For Kyle:  Medal of running.  Run!  Run!--Reghan

For me, because I am doing volleyball with people in 4th-9th grade.
For my family, because they are the best family-Tabitha

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