Monday, September 21, 2015

Welcome back, Flyers!

Image from TechnologyRocksSeriously

What a great couple of weeks in GT pullout!  Our first day started with a test in all grade levels.  I heard several students ask, "Is it a math test?  Reading?"  I know I heard several groans; students just couldn't believe I was testing them.  Our test was actually a quiz about...Mrs. Imrie, and students selected their answers on the iPad using an app called Kahoot.  Afterward we rated the app in different categories: is it useful for learning?  Is it engaging?  Flyers gave this app high ratings!  We reviewed the icons of depth and complexity through an All About Me pennant activity, and got an information sheet ready for our parents' "homework" that night.

To warm up for this week each of our classes worked on a differentiated logic problem.  We discussed strategies that would help us figure out the problem like using a grid, picture, notes or 3D objects, then set to work.  Next we brainstormed ideas to fix the engineering challenge "The Flag Pole Fiasco"!  Groups were allocated the same amount of everyday household items, eg. 10 craft sticks, 10 rubber bands and so on, in order to build a better flag and flagpole.  Groups earned additional points for each inch of height on the flagpole; the most points earned is in the "cooperating with our group" category.  We will share our final products next week.

More logic problems?  Click here

And finally, just want to give out a BIG thank you to the huge response for our request for supplies in our GT classroom!!