Tuesday, January 27, 2015

3rd Grade: Sweden

This week third grade is going deeper into their study of Sweden by choosing to research the Dala horse or to teach their classmates Swedish words and phrases.  We are using a special app on the iPad called Tellagami to share our research with either topic.  Some teams teaching us Swedish are helping us by putting their words on the app Flashcardlet so we can study and learn the pronunciation.  Here is some of our beginning research on Tellagami by Cora and Brady.  I will post others as we finish:

Cora and Brady

Eden and Maegan

Adam and Brock

Coltin and Hayden

Carter and Jake

Elise and Maegan taught us some Swedish words using the app Flashcardlet, which we are using in our small groups! We are having trouble posting those cards here.

1st and 2nd: Sweden

We all agreed we might like to live in Sweden!  The ice hotel alone would be worth the trip, and we all thought we would enjoy spending the night in a room made completely of ice and snow.  Another hot topic was Sweden's spanking laws-there was a lot of commotion in our classroom when we found out that kids can't be spanked there, even by their parents.  Using the icon of Ethics, we debated both sides of the issue:  Some of us said spanking is bad for childrens' self-esteem, but others pointed out it can be an acceptable deterrent to kids who are doing something unsafe.  Many good points were made.  Next time we will choose to research the Swedish Dala Horse or teach our classmates Swedish words and phrases.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

4th Grade: 1-12-2015

Just wanted to thank everyone again for attending our Cardboard challenge on the last day of school before winter break!  Thank you parents for helping your child with some of the at home building and prep and for donating to our cause.  Thank you teachers for coming down to see what our students were up to-we know many teachers had class and couldn't come down and we thank you for all your behind-the-scenes support as well.  We made $178.68 for The ARC of Fort Bend County!  Here are some pictures and video.

Here is what my room looked like all set up before our arcade:

And this is after!

4th Grade started off the new year by participating in the Hour of Code.  Although we had technical issues with the district's internet, we logged into code.org with our own passwords and learned some of the basics of coding/programming.  I played a game that Gabriel wrote and it was challenging!!  Our hour was cut short by the techie problems so we will definitely come back to it.

5th Grade Robotics-1/12/2015

Fifth grade had a great warm-up discussion about New Year's resolutions vs. accomplishments.  We recorded the accomplishments from 2014 on a sticky on one side of the wall and on the other side we cut out a shape of choice and taped our new resolutions/accomplishments for 2015.  There are definitely some worthy goals.

Some of us started basic programming in robotics today, while others finished building and troubleshooting.  Here is a video of Michael's robot performing an activity using the ultrasonic sensor.  Great work!!

And Parveen and Tyler's below