Monday, October 20, 2014

Grades 4-5: Character Strengths

In 4th and 5th grade GT pullout, we have been discussing and researching the idea of character strength and using those strengths like a super power.  We identified the traits we were strong in, and also discussed parts of our character that we wanted to develop into strengths.  After watching a short film on character strength, we researched many different character traits from the Periodic Table of Character Strengths, (see below)

deciding which ones were super powers for us and which ones we wanted to make into super powers.  Once we chose traits we wanted to develop, we looked for successful, famous people who already had those strengths and put them on our own "Dream Team".  This inspiring team can help us stick to our goals of  developing more strengths in our own characters.  We introduced our Dream Teams to others by way of the Puppet Pals app using the talk show section.  See videos below!!  Not all videos have been produced yet, but I will send home as they are.

Grades 1-3: Culture Collages!

Our study of unique character strengths, has led us into our Cultures, Countries, and Creativity unit.  We discussed the meaning of culture and went on a "culture walk" around our school looking for evidence of our school's culture.  We found so many examples from the foods we eat in the cafeteria to the important subjects we study.  This discussion helped us find examples of our family's culture like the traditions we keep, and the values we follow at home.  We found pictures to symbolize our family culture and uploaded them to the Pic Collage app.  It was awesome to see the many different cultures we all have and the many parts we have in common.  See below for grades 1-3. Keep scrolling down for Grade 3!

Grades 1 & 2

Grade 3

Friday, October 17, 2014

GT begins with International Dot Day!

International Dot Day (September 15, 2014) is a celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration. All grades are starting the year off in GT by discussing our strengths and how we can use those strengths to build our character in honor of Dot Day.  In class we read The Dot by Peter Reynolds which shows us that when we don't think we are good at something, it's often because we haven't tried and we just need to take the first step.  Instead of saying, "It's too hard; I can't do it"  we learn to say, "It's challenging, but I can start somewhere."  We created our own dots made up of 5 of our strengths and the percentage of that strength that makes up our whole character.  We recorded our dots on special paper that show our character dots in 3D when we view them through the app, ColAR Mix (augmented reality).  We learned that we each have a special mix of unique traits that we can all share.